Rice farming
in Cambodia can be a tough and uncertain business. Rainfall is highly erratic, both
drought and floods being regular occurrences, land is often infertile or
under-nourished and investment in new farming systems and technology is minimal.
Yet approximately 60% of the Cambodian population rely on agriculture (mainly
rice production) for their livelihoods and unsurprisingly the vast majority of
those are living on less than $1.25 a day. Despite government commitments to
expand rice production and increase the country’s export capacity, the reality for
the majority of farmers is stagnant growth and an uncertain future. Which is why, on a recent trip to
Cambodia, I was keen to find out why so many of the entrepreneurs we have
supported through lendwithcare.org are sticking to rice farming.
After all, Cambodia’s national economy has started to grow in recent years and industries other than agriculture are expanding at impressive rates. The garment and tourist industries, for example, have been increasing by an enormous 20% each year for the last two years. And the general population, no longer plagued by political oppression and war, are free to move both within and outside Cambodia. However, as the farmer-cum-taxi driver who took me to my hotel in Phnom Penh explained, urban migration is not only financially and emotionally tough but also unsustainable since the number of jobs available (and places to sleep) come nowhere near to meeting the demand. So for those who choose not to migrate, (around 80% of the population), their only goal is: “how to live better lives as farmers” (Pov Sok – lendwithcare entrepreneur).
significant constraint for the vast majority of poor rice farmers is lack of
capital. Without sufficient capital or access to affordable lines of credit,
poor rice farmers find it virtually impossible to move beyond subsistence
farming to producing a marketable surplus.
This is where the services of local microfinance organisations, if they provide
affordable and effective services, can play a
significant role in improving the lives of rural Cambodians. These
services become even more significant and crucial to rural development when we
consider how little the Cambodian government actually dedicates to the growth
of agriculture -in 2010 for example they committed only 1% of the national budget to an industry that over half the
population depend on.
As I met 21 of the Cambodian
entrepreneurs (15 of whom were rice farmers) lendwithcare.org has provided a line of credit to I
noticed the first thing a Cambodian farmer will tell you when you ask them how
their business is doing is to talk about the rainfall. A shortage of irrigation
systems means the majority of rice production in Cambodia takes place during the
country’s monsoon season (wet season rice farming) therefore putting the
success of rice production predominantly in the fate of the gods – which climate
change has made even more unpredictable. Interestingly however, the next thing all the
entrepreneurs I met went on to tell me was how they were going to expand and
increase production. They described with hope how they planned to buy better quality
seeds, expensive (but essential) fertiliser and insecticide, more land, and
essential machinery. All with the credit that was now available to them through
the local microfinance organisation.
Take Sophan, for example, a female rice farmer who
lives in the lowland plains of north-western Cambodia, who described to me in
great detail the back-breaking work involved in preparing her four hectares of
land for rice cultivation. Sophan, who is lucky enough to be able to produce wet and
dry season rice (she captures receding rainwater to produce during the dry
season) explained that without sufficient capital it is virtually impossible
for her and her husband to prepare their land on time or plant enough rice to produce
a marketable surplus.
A rice field needs to be prepared (soil ploughed,
water pumped in and/or out, fertiliser and insecticides manually applied, and
weeds manually removed) and rice crops planted (this is always done manually by
either transplanting from a nursery or scattering). And although some farmers
will have enough money saved from the previous season to complete a part of
this cycle, insufficient capital often means land has too much water or not
enough since farmers cannot afford the machinery or labour required to pump in
and out water or land is un/in-sufficiently fertilised. Sophan said that when
capital is short in her household they are not able to prepare all their land
and therefore produce lower yields. With the credit she is able to access through the
local microfinance institution, which is then refinanced by lendwithcare
lenders, Sophan told me they have been able to produce on all their land and
she now hopes that as their farming becomes more efficient they will be able to
purchase more land.
By Nancy Thomas, Lendwithcare.org Executive
Similarly San,
another female farmer I met in Battambang province, told me access to an
affordable line of credit had enabled her to buy essential fertilisers and
insecticide as well as diesel to operate her water pump. She said without these
essential farming inputs her land would not be anyway near as productive. In
fact she told me that simply having decent and sufficient fertiliser meant she
could double her yield. And Khon another entrepreneur who told me she was able
to purchase a small fishing boat with credit when her rice paddies were
destroyed in the terrible floods of 2011 and had used the boat to generate an
alternative source of income for her family by fishing on the flooded land.
Of course,
access to credit is not the only answer to rural development in Cambodia. The
terrible floods in 2011 remind us that natural disasters have a
disproportionate and devastating effect on the poor. However, credit and the
power it has to help those living on low incomes to move just that little bit
beyond pure subsistence farming can definitely help (even when disasters
strike). Sophan, San & Khon told me that even though farming was tough and their
incomes were sometimes unpredictable they would not change what they do. Perhaps
because they felt rice farming was all that they know or because they felt
there were no opportunities for them in the growing cities. I do not know. However,
they were all adamant that their children would not become farmers and with the
education they could now afford to give them they had different opportunities available
to them – and without exception all three women had achieved this goal.
By Nancy Thomas, Lendwithcare.org Executive
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