Monday, 13 March 2017

Pakistan blog series: Learning more about Akhuwat

In February 2017 I was lucky enough to visit our microfinance partner in Pakistan, Akhuwat. Please read my series of blogs to share my experience and insights into this inspiring organisation.

If you are interested in reading more about Islamic microfinance, my colleague Dr Ajaz Ahmed Khan and renowned microfinance experience Dr Malcolm Harper will soon publish a book on Islamic microfinance, which contains a chapter on Akhuwat.

Pakistan blog series | Day 4 - Khana Nou Branch and Delhi Gate Branch: How Lendwithcare works with Akhuwat

In February 2017 I was lucky enough to visit our microfinance partner in Pakistan, Akhuwat. Please read my series of blogs to share my experience and insights into this inspiring organisation.

The borrowers at the Khana Nou branch are also funded by Lendwithcare lenders. During my visit I observed many people either making a repayment on their loan or submitting a new loan application.

Pakistan blog series | Day 3 - Akhuwat office: are they really as good as they seem?

In February 2017 I was lucky enough to visit our microfinance partner in Pakistan, Akhuwat. Please read my series of blogs to share my experience and insights into this inspiring organisation.

One of my tasks when on an evaluation trip for Lendwithcare is to ask questions from Lendwithcare supporters and potential supporters. Three questions I've been asked about our partnership with Ahkuwat are:

1. As a provider of interest-free microfinance, funded by voluntary donations*, are the donations from borrowers really voluntary or do they affect whether someone gets a loan?

2. Does Akhuwat prioritise Muslim borrowers?

3. The percentage of female borrowers is lower than in other Lendwithcare countries.

*Akhuwat encourages its borrowers to donate to Akhuwat's program to help their brethren once the borrowers themselves have gained through economic stability.

Pakistan blog series | Day 2 - Visit to Badami Bagh and Kot Khawaja Branches: meeting the entrepreneurs in person

In February 2017 I was lucky enough to visit our microfinance partner in Pakistan, Akhuwat. Please read my series of blogs to share my experience and insights into this inspirational organisation.

Funding from Lendwithcare over the last 4 years has enabled Akhuwat to open the Badami Bagh and Kot Khawaja branches in Lahore, where almost all borrowers are funded by Lendwithcare lenders. To ensure costs are kept to a minimum Akhuwat branches are very simply furnished - staff sit on cushions at a very low table, and the offices comprise just one room plus a bathroom.

While I was visiting the branches I interviewed several entrepreneurs to find out how much impact the loan has had on their business and life:

Pakistan blog series | Day 1 - Visit to Akhuwat’s office: so much more than microfinance

In February 2017 I was lucky enough to visit our microfinance partner in Pakistan, Akhuwat. Please read my series of blogs to share my experience and insights into this inspiring organisation.

As part of my job I am privileged to visit parts of the world that I wouldn't do otherwise.

One of the most memorable and inspiring trips I have taken recently was to Lahore in Pakistan. Despite the negative impression of Pakistan that the media sometimes present, it was memorable not because of danger lurking round every corner.

It was because I have never come across a more inspirational group of people than the staff of Akhuwat, led by their founder Dr Amjad Saqib.

The city and airport were much less frenetic that I'd imagined (although perhaps landing in Lahore at 2am had something to do with that!)

I had been to Delhi some years earlier and I still vividly remember how many people were at the airport.

It quickly became apparent that westerners are a rare sight in Pakistan, even in large cities such as Lahore. It took a few days to get used to being stared at, but I soon realised that as soon as I smiled, people would shyly smile back. And it wasn't long (in fact, I think it was the next morning in the hotel lift!) before I was asked for my first selfie - and it wouldn't be the last that week!